Roadway and Traffic

DuBois & King’s transportation and traffic engineering teams include planners and engineers experienced with a diverse range of municipal, regional, and state transportation projects. Assignments include realignment, repair and widening, utility relocation, sidewalks, intersections, traffic calming, complete streets, and bicycle and multi-use pedestrian paths. Fully staffed to support transportation projects, the firm’s in-house team consists of professionals providing survey, planning, permitting, design, and construction services. D&K’s transportation team offers a comprehensive understanding of transportation programs and compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).


Planning, Studies, and Design
Streets and Highways
Sufficiency and Ratings
Pedestrian and Bicycle Paths
Pavement Evaluation and Design
Railroad Crossings
Corridor Evaluations and Final Design
Complete Streets
Safe Routes to Schools
Traffic Calming
Traffic Analysis and Studies
Traffic Counts
Right-of-Way Acquisition
Permitting and Wetlands
Bid and Construction Phase Services