Village Road Bridge Replacement

Newbury, New Hampshire

DuBois & King was retained by the Town of Newbury to conduct an engineering study and the final design for two bridges: Village Road over Andrew Brook and Sutton Road over Ring Brook. For cost and time efficiency, D&K recommended a single study be developed to include both bridges.

Services included development of an engineering study to identify replacement structure options, recommendation of a preferred alternative, and identification of whether the new bridges should be constructed on different alignments to improve geometrics and facilitate the maintenance of traffic throughout construction. Services also include field surveys; geotechnical borings; cultural and natural resource investigations; permitting; and the development of preliminary and final design drawings, cost estimates, and bid documents.

A precast/prestressed concrete voided slab superstructure on cast-in-place concrete abutments and wing walls cast directly on ledge was proposed as the most cost-effective replacement for the Village Road Bridge. DuBois & King provided bid and construction phase administration and resident engineering services during construction.

  • Village Road Bridge
  • Village Road Bridge Village Road Bridge
  • Village Road Bridge Village Road Bridge
  • Village Road Bridge Village Road Bridge

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