Paul Levesque Shallow Water Management for Wildlife, NRCS

Farmington, New Hampshire

Under D&K’s on-call contract with NRCS for Planning, Design, & Implementing Conservation Practices, D&K performed site investigation, design, preparation of plans and specifications, and construction inspection for a shallow water management for wildlife pond. The purpose of the project was to provide open water areas on agricultural fields and moist soil areas to facilitate waterfowl resting and feeding and to provide habitat for reptiles and amphibians and other aquatic species, which serve as important prey species for waterfowl, raptors, herons, and other wildlife.

The planned practice is Shallow Water Management for Wildlife and the facility is a shallow water pond designed in general accordance with Standard 646 Shallow Water Management for Wildlife. The pond has ¼-acre of surface area with a maximum depth of 4-ft and required a total excavation of approximately 1,320-cy. The periphery has a curvilinear outline that blends with the natural topography of the site. The depth of water varies from several inches to a maximum of 4-ft. The pond hydrology is fed by a high ground water table and associated discharge.

D&K’s Certified Wetland Scientist worked closely with the NRCS District Biologist on the project relative to geometry, location, planting plan, and selection of seed mixes and plantings. D&K conducted a site visit; delineated wetlands within the area; reviewed hydrology; conducted a topographic survey; and prepared preliminary and final design plans, technical specifications, and cost estimates. The project was completed under NRCS’ Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP).

  • Wildlife Pond
  • Wildlife Pond Wildlife Pond

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