Ottauquechee River Retaining Wall-Building Demolition

Hartford, Vermont

Design of repairs to existing retaining walls along the Ottauquechee River in the Village of Quechee, Vermont. An approximate 50-ft length of existing retaining walls, divided between two areas, were partially undermined and damaged during Tropical Storm Irene in 2011. D&K conducted a field investigation to determine the extent of the scour, designed plans and specifications to repair the damaged areas, and assisted the Town of Hartford through the bid and construction phases. Repairs included new concrete toe support for walls and facing. The project was funded through a Community Development Block Grant and through FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. This site was the former location of the Quechee Reality building that was severely damaged during Irene. D&K provided engineering services for the demolition of the building.

  • Quechee Retaining Wall

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