Stafford, New Hampshire
The New Hampshire Army National Guard (NHARNG), in order to support its mission and provide a fully trained and ready force, prepared a site development plan to analyze how to best meet training objectives at the Center Strafford, New Hampshire, training site. The need for the Proposed Action, which included improvements and the development of expanded facilities, is based on the current facilities and limited land available at the training site.
As a task order from a multi-year retainer contract to provide professional civil/site engineering, development, environmental permitting, and planning services for the NHARNG, D&K engineers prepared a NEPA document, Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Proposed Action at the Center Strafford NHARNG Training Site. The EA provided a full comparative analysis of two possible alternatives: the Preferred Alternative – a full implementation of the site development plan for the training site and the No Action Alternative.