Environmental Assessment

Hyde Park, Vermont

DuBois & King was retained by Vermont Army National Guard (VTARNG) to provide expert investigation and analysis of potential environmental impacts on a 40+/- acre parcel of land in Hyde Park, Vermont. The VTARNG purchased the parcel with the intent of developing a new Readiness Center and Field Maintenance Shop on the property. The new facility would allow VTARNG to close the existing Morrisville Armory, and Maintenance Shops in St. Albans and Lyndonville.

The proposed project site is undeveloped, with one half of the site used for agriculture purposes and the other half forested. The site is located in a Source Protection Zone for the Hyde Park Fire District #1 water supply and contains agricultural soils. D&K provided detailed reviews to further assess the project site and impacts of proposed development, and prepared documentation resulting in an Environmental Assessment (EA). Responsibilities include development of a Draft and Final Program Management Plan, preparation of a Data Collection Checklist, and development of a Draft and Final Description of Proposed Action and Alternatives (DOPAA).

The EA addresses overall activities of the training site and impacts of the development. The new field maintenance shop will include a 6,000-sf office building attached to a 10,500-sf maintenance shop with 78,000-sf of vehicle parking space. The Readiness Center will be a two-story, 34,500-sf structure with 146 parking spaces. Separate stormwater detention ponds will be constructed for each building.

  • Hyde Park EA
  • Hyde Park EA Hyde Park EA
  • Hyde Park EA Hyde Park EA

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