Warners Corner Sidewalk

Colchester, Vermont

Design and construction phase services for new sidewalks along portions of roadways intersecting at Warners Corner. Scope of services included survey, right-of-way research, conceptual plans (right-of-way, utilities, and natural resource impacts), preliminary plans, cost estimates, and permitting. Project was funded by a Transportation Enhancement Grant, administered through the VTrans Local Transportation Facilities (LTF) Section, and followed the LTF Guidebook.

New sidewalks extend from intersection as follows: Macrae Road – north side approximately 1,300 ft to Mercier Drive; Prim Road – east side approximately 1,350 ft to Meadow Drive, including a multi-use path on the west side approximately 850-ft to the Visiting Nurse Association; Porters Point Road – north side approximately 450 ft to Bissette Drive, including a multi-use path on the south side approximately 100 ft along both legs of the intersection; and Heineberg Drive – east side approximately 1,025 ft to Bonanza Park.

  • Warners Corner Sidewalk
  • Warners Corner Sidewalk Warners Corner Sidewalk
  • Warners Corner Sidewalk Warners Corner Sidewalk
  • Warners Corner Sidewalk Warners Corner Sidewalk
  • Warners Corner Sidewalk Warners Corner Sidewalk

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